Clear Brackets

Clear Brackets

Today's braces can be made from clear ceramic materials to provide patients with an attractive, less noticeable alternative to traditional metal brackets. Our doctors use the latest orthodontic technology and treatments, producing the shortest overall time in brackets. Ceramic braces are especially popular with adult patients who want a more subtle braces treatment.

Clear Brackets

Today's braces can be made from clear ceramic materials to provide patients with an attractive, less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces.

Creative, Custom and Cool

Dr. Sievers, Dr. Van Vooren and the Embrace Orthodontics team can customize the look of your braces with different colored bands and bracket materials to make your treatment as fun as it is effective. From festive to funky, Embrace Orthodontics is down for it!


Embrace Orthodontics never has an upcharge for braces! Our team will also check how much your insurance covers and help you figure out an affordable interest-free payment plan.
Embrace Your Smile Journey!

Free Consultation

This is your personalized smile journey; that's why Dr. Sievers or Dr. Van Vooren is willing to find a customized treatment that works for you free of charge! The team at Embrace Orthodontics respects the busyness of your schedule and is ready to do everything in their power to make your journey to your perfect smile as seamless and convenient as possible.
Embrace Your Smile Journey!
Pick A Payment Plan

In-House Financing Available

Your fee doesn't change, regardless of whether you choose Invisalign®clear aligners or braces. The team at Embrace Orthodontics will work with you to find an interest-free, flexible payment plan that fits your budget. Though insurance is not required, we work with all insurance plans (and will do the heavy lifting for you).
Pick A Payment Plan
Personalize Your Braces Treatment!

Easy Adjustments

Nobody likes sitting in the orthodontist's chair for too long! Our doctors will ensure that your braces are adjusted as quickly as possible. Want to change your rubber band colors? Yes, please! The team at Embrace Orthodontics has a wide variety of styles to make your look truly unique. Mix and match! Go glow in the dark! The possibilities for personalizing your braces at Embrace Orthodontics are endless.
Personalize Your Braces Treatment!
The End of an Era

A Smile You Will Embrace Forever!

Our doctors believe the results of a remarkable orthodontic experience should last a lifetime! When you're done with your treatment, we'll keep your transformation where it needs to be with custom retainers.
The End of an Era